Sales & Info:
Notify and escalate your support case by providing infomation and details on any changes as well as upgrade the severity of your support issue.
Some common examples of times when it may be necessary to escalate to support management:
Please use these severity definitions when submitting your form below:
1 - Down: Critical production issue affecting all users, including system unavailability, data integrity issues, or bugs having a significant impact. No workaround available.
2 - High: Major functionality is impacted or significant performance degradation is experienced. Issue is persistent and affects many users and/or major functionality. No reasonable workaround available. Also includes time-sensitive requests such as requests for feature activation or a data export.
3 - Medium: System performance issue or bug affecting some but not all users. Short-term workaround is available, but not scalable.
4 - Low: Inquiry regarding a routine technical issue; information requested on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration; bug affecting a small number of users or insignificant business impact. Reasonable workaround available. (Default level for most requests.)
Fill out the form below to escalate your support case: